Lafayette Blog

Welcome Lafayette Scarf: An 1824 design remade...
WELCOME LAFAYETTE SCARF The Lafayette Shoppe has remade this beautiful Welcome Lafayette scarf fashioned after the original made in 1824 for Lafayette's return to America. Here, at The Lafayette Shoppe,...
Welcome Lafayette Scarf: An 1824 design remade...
WELCOME LAFAYETTE SCARF The Lafayette Shoppe has remade this beautiful Welcome Lafayette scarf fashioned after the original made in 1824 for Lafayette's return to America. Here, at The Lafayette Shoppe,...

Lafayette Gloves: How-To Video to Make Your Ow...
Learn how to make your own Lafayette Gloves for a Lafayette Ball or a Regency Ball using a rubber stamp from The Lafayette Shoppe and your own kid leather gloves...
Lafayette Gloves: How-To Video to Make Your Ow...
Learn how to make your own Lafayette Gloves for a Lafayette Ball or a Regency Ball using a rubber stamp from The Lafayette Shoppe and your own kid leather gloves...

Lafayette Books by Bruce E. Mowday Now Availabl...
Bruce E. is an author who has written several books about Lafayette. Last month, The Lafayette Shoppe partnered with Mr. Mowday to bring you more Lafayette books. We now have...
Lafayette Books by Bruce E. Mowday Now Availabl...
Bruce E. is an author who has written several books about Lafayette. Last month, The Lafayette Shoppe partnered with Mr. Mowday to bring you more Lafayette books. We now have...

WYDaily 10 Questions with Lisa Ingegneri of The...
Read the 10 questions with Lisa Ingegneri of The Lafayette Shoppe to discover how The Lafayette Shoppe got started, how the idea for the souvenir bust was hatched, and how...
WYDaily 10 Questions with Lisa Ingegneri of The...
Read the 10 questions with Lisa Ingegneri of The Lafayette Shoppe to discover how The Lafayette Shoppe got started, how the idea for the souvenir bust was hatched, and how...

Lafayette as Kayewla or Great Warrior: The sto...
Kayewla: Read about Lafayette's relationship with the Oneida in New York, what that connection to the native American tribes says about Lafayette, and the modern-day objects, souvenirs, and Lafayette-themed products...
Lafayette as Kayewla or Great Warrior: The sto...
Kayewla: Read about Lafayette's relationship with the Oneida in New York, what that connection to the native American tribes says about Lafayette, and the modern-day objects, souvenirs, and Lafayette-themed products...